As a transport engineering and consultancy with more than 50 years of history, more than 3,000 highly qualified professionals and a multidisciplinary scope of action spanning five continents, Ineco carries out thousands of engineering, consultancy and building projects every year for all modes of transport.
A few of these stand out: the charitable projects developed by the participants of the IngenioSOS programme and financed entirely by the company. In 2020, in its second edition, it has three new proposals led by as many NGOs, all of them with the Fundación Lealtad seal of transparency. A total of 12 volunteers, professionals in engineering, architecture and computer science, together with one member of the management staff per project, work with a clear objective: to improve the living conditions of different groups of people in communities in Kenya, Ethiopia and Guatemala, with a special focus on children. These projects will directly improve quality of life for more than 23,000 people, and indirectly improve the lives of almost 200,000 people.
A detailed look at the 2020 projects
The design and implementation of an online coordination and monitoring system for work with clubs and schools against female genital mutilation (FGM) in Kenya, led by the Kirira Foundation. Established in 2007, this Foundation is dedicated to cooperation for development, the defence of human rights, the promotion of volunteering and the care of people at risk of social exclusion, especially in countries where female genital mutilation is practised.
The project on which Ineco is collaborating is being carried out in the Kirira Foundation’s intervention areas in Kenya: Tharaka, Tangulbei and Abakuria. It consists of the design and development of a mobile management and monitoring application, suitable for tablets and computers, to be used by the anti-FGM clubs of the 86 participating schools and the local partner. Ineco also finances the purchase of mobile devices and advises the NGO on how to provide internet connection to schools.
The project for energy supply for the Meki maternal and child health clinic in Ethiopia, which is run by the Pablo Horstmann Foundation, created in 2007, has already concluded. In Ethiopia, the foundation runs a maternal and child health clinic, a children’s home, a kindergarten and a scholarship programme for orphans. The project in which Ineco is involved has been developed in Meki, a rural town south of Addis Ababa, where the maternal and child health clinic is located, providing care for 18,271 children and 1,166 women. The clinic was opened in 2012 and was upgraded in 2019 with a new maternity and neonatal care unit.
The aim of the project has been to guarantee the electricity supply, which is essential for incubators, monitors, laboratory equipment, cold storage of medicines and vaccines, through the use of a generator. Ineco has prepared a study to improve the energy efficiency of the centre and will provide advice and supervision of the entire process of implementing improvements. The company has also financed the purchase, installation and commissioning of the appropriate generator and the shed that houses it, and has made an additional donation for the acquisition and installation of photovoltaic panels.
The third project of the IngenioSOS 2020 is Clean water and sanitation conditions for indigenous children in the Las Rosas community. El Quiché, Guatemala, led by the Educo Foundation. Since 1994, this NGO has been involved in cooperation for development and humanitarian action for children, especially in the field of education. It is active in Spain and in 12 countries in Africa, America and Asia.
Guatemala is one of the most underdeveloped countries in Central America. The project consists of rehabilitating and improving the sanitary infrastructure of the school in the village of Las Rosas, with a population of just over 1,000. The school, with 160 students, does not have adequate hygiene facilities (washbasins, toilets, wells, etc.), which leads to the spreading of diseases, forcing children to miss classes on a regular basis.
Ineco’s collaboration consists of the design and financing of the project, as well as the drafting of the terms and conditions of the tender for the works and the technical specifications, the hydraulic design of the greywater treatment system and the review of the budget and proposals for materials and equipment. The Educo Foundation, meanwhile, will select the contracting company and provide basic hygiene materials and training sessions for the children aimed at reducing common communicable diseases.
Ineco and the social commitment of public companies
Celestino Rodríguez, director of the Office of the President, presented the IngenioSOS programme at the November session of the Action Group on Sustainability and CSR in Public Companies of the Forética platform. In his speech, he underlined the high degree of involvement of all the company’s teams in charitable actions and the increased effort made by the company to this end over the previous two years. He also highlighted engineering’s key role as a tool for social transformation and aid to the most disadvantaged.
For Ineco, which presented its first corporate social responsibility plan almost fifteen years ago, contributing part of its human and economic capital and technical knowledge to charitable actions is a key issue. It has therefore integrated the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda as one of the six strategic objectives of the organisation in its Atenea Plan.
This is the context of the IngenioSOS corporate volunteerism programme, which began in 2019 with three projects that benefited a total of 22,000 people: a community centre in Rascola, India, led by the NGO Itwillbe, which is currently still underway. The other two projects were recently completed: the renovation of a maternity and paediatric ward at the Bor Hospital in South Sudan, with Médecins du Monde; and the improvement of access to water and sanitation at the Moulin community health centre in Gros Morne (Haute Artibonite, Haiti), led by Cesal.
To select the three charitable projects on which the company collaborates each year, a request for applications is made through Fundación Lealtad and then a vote is held by a multidisciplinary panel. Each project is assigned an institutional volunteer selected from the company’s management professionals to support the teams.
The 15 volunteers of 2020
Clean water and sanitation conditions for indigenous children in the Las Rosas community. El Quiché, Guatemala, led by the Educo Foundation.
1 Lucía Esteban (project manager)
2 Rafael Aguilar
3 Estrella de la Carrera
4 Daniel Latorre
The design and implementation of an online coordination and monitoring system for work with clubs and schools against female genital mutilation (FGM) in Kenya, led by the Kirira Foundation.
5 Mónica Ruiz (project manager)
6 Cristian Cano
7 Rafael Gutiérrez
8 José Antonio Álvarez
9 Jesús Vázquez
10 Ana Rojo
Energy supply for the Meki maternal and child health clinic in Ethiopia, which is run by the Pablo Horstmann Foundation.
11 Natalia Terrón (project manager)
12 Montserrat Luna (project manager)
13 Miguel Sánchez Risueño
14 Alejandro Rodríguez
15 Celestino Rodríguez