1. guatemala (2020)

Worthy conditions of water and sanitation systems for indigenous children in Las Rosas Community in El Quiché, (Educo).

2. EL SALVADOR (2021)

Restoration and maintenance of the Mejicanos Children’s Development Centre and adaptation of the adjoining house (Cinde Foundation).

3. Haiti (2019)

Improvement, sanitation and access to water in the Community Health Centre of Moulin in Gros-Morne (Cesal).

4. chad (2021)

Promotion of healthy learning spaces for children in the Guéra region (Entreculturas).

5. South Soudan (2019)

Refurbishment of the maternity and paediatric ward at Bor Hospital (Doctors of the World).

6. d r of the congo (2021)

Solar energy for the General Reference Hospital of Kanzenze (Democratic Republic of the Congo), (Recover Foundation).

7. kenia (2020)

Design and implementation of an online coordination and monitoring system for work with female genital mutilation (FGM) clubs and schools (Kirira Foundation).

8. Ethiopia (2020)

Energy supply of the Meki maternal and child clinic (Pablo Horstmann Foundation).

9. india (2019)

Construction of a community centre in Rascola (ITWILLBE).