Level test
Ineco’s experience with ERTMS, the European rail signalling system, supports the development of an innovative method to study how its implementation affects railway line capacity.
Ineco’s experience with ERTMS, the European rail signalling system, supports the development of an innovative method to study how its implementation affects railway line capacity.
The new railway line that connects A Coruña to Santiago and Vigo has set a record for regional rail lines in Spain by exceeding three million passengers over the past year. From the beginning, Ineco has worked on this infrastructure which has breathed new life into rail transport in Galicia.
To guarantee that a product or service is safe and complies with all of the regulations, an independent assessment by specialists approved by the Spanish National Accreditation Entity (ENAC) must be passed. With regard to rail lines, Ineco has pioneering accreditation in the sector, which it has just renewed and extended.